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Kiiimo :Free Unique And Easy


The first real iOS system cleaner! It removes unnecessary files from your device.

What does it do?

Cleanup: iCleaner can remove unnecessary files from your device. The cleanup process is made of the following steps:

Message attachments: it deletes files sent and received via iMessage or MMS. The "smart" setting only deletes files that do not show up in any message, while "on" deletes all attachments (messages with attachments will show a blank icon).

Safari: it deletes cookies, browsing history

في هذا الإصدار

معلومات الأداة
7.9.1 الإصدار
8682 التحميلات
iOS 4 ~ iOS 14.2 التوافق
2021-01-26 10:04:26 تاريخ رفع الاداة
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